Royal Touch Mini Centre Pull Towel – 120m

Meters Per Roll: 120m
Rolls Per Case: 12 rolls
Meters Per Case: 1440m
Cases Per Pallet: 40 cases
Size (Width x Length): 200mm x 120m
Dispensing Systems: Royal Mini Centre Pull Towel Dispenser

Royal Touch Mini Centre Pull Towel – 120m

Royal Touch Mini Centre Pull Towel is ideal for use in low traffic areas and compact spaces where light spills and general wiping is expected. Through coupling flexible dispensing with high strength and fast absorbing paper, users are able to take as much or as little paper as required to perform a variety of tasks. Centre-feed dispensing makes roll changes quick and easy. Designed to fit all Mini Centre Pull Towel dispensers on the market.

Meters Per Roll: 120m
Rolls Per Case: 12 rolls
Meters Per Case: 1440m
Cases Per Pallet: 40 cases
Size (Width x Length): 200mm x 120m
Dispensing Systems: Royal Mini Centre Pull Towel Dispenser

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